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Training Member

Available to members of the Spring Valley YMCA and members of the Greater Philadelphia YMCA

January 1 to December 31

$140 per individual per year

$235 per couple per year (couples residing in the same household) 


Training Memberships Includes:
  • Training Peaks basic account with workouts posted by our USAT-certified head coaching team

  • Access to all coach-led Y-based workouts including five weekly swim workouts (3 morning and 2 evening year round), weekly spin workouts with strength/core/flexibility (fall and winter), 2 weekly Zwift meetups (fall and winter), in total this is approximately 10 hours of coach-led workouts/week when we are training full time indoors and approximately 4 hours/week when we are training outdoors

  • Access to all coach-led indoor and outdoor workouts 

  • Attendance at any clinics and seminars scheduled to take place outside of the Y

  • Member t-shirt

  • Access to Sponsor offers and discounts

  • Access to any club raffles for various items such as race entries, equipment, etc.

  • Private Facebook Group access

  • Inclusion on club "Who's In?" event calendar and ability to participate in club events.

  • Inclusion on club email distribution list

  • Option to participate in fall and winter Gator Fitness Challenges

  • Participation in club socials and parties

  • Access to Gator tri kits and other club gear available for purchase




Social Member

January 1 to December 31

$80 per individual per year

Social Members Includes:
  • Access to all coach-led outdoor workouts including and Zwift/Zoom cycling meetups

  • Access to regularly scheduled seminars and clinics being broadcast through Facebook Live video

  • Member t-shirt

  • Access to Sponsor offers and discounts

  • Access to any club raffles for various items such as race entries, equipment, etc.

  • Private Facebook Group access

  • Inclusion on club "Who's In?" event calendar and ability to participate in club events.

  • Inclusion on club email distribution list

  • Option to participate in fall and winter Gator Fitness Challenges

  • Participation in club socials and parties

  • Access to Gator tri kits and other club gear available for purchase


NEW! Junior Member

January 1 to December 31

$35 for YMCA members and $70 for non-members

Youth membership open to all kids 15 and under and does not require YMCA membership. Ages 7 and under will be GATOR TOTS and ages 8-15 will be JUNIOR GATORS. The membership includes the following benefits:

  • Access to Gator Gear and Uniforms

  • Membership t-shirt

  • Clinics including an interactive race prep clinic

  • Access to sponsor discounts and youth specific race entry raffles

  • 2-4 Club Events that will be youth focused

  • Please note participating in regular Gators Group Workouts is NOT included in the Junior Membership 

* Please contact an Officer or member of our Leadership Team with any questions: Click Here to Access Officers & Leadership Team


© 2021 Spring Valley Multisport Gators

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