Training Member
Available to members of the Spring Valley YMCA and members of the Greater Philadelphia YMCA
January 1 to December 31
$140 per individual per year
$235 per couple per year (couples residing in the same household)
Training Memberships Includes:
Training Peaks basic account with workouts posted by our USAT-certified head coaching team
Access to all coach-led Y-based workouts including five weekly swim workouts (3 morning and 2 evening year round), weekly spin workouts with strength/core/flexibility (fall and winter), 2 weekly Zwift meetups (fall and winter), in total this is approximately 10 hours of coach-led workouts/week when we are training full time indoors and approximately 4 hours/week when we are training outdoors
Access to all coach-led indoor and outdoor workouts
Attendance at any clinics and seminars scheduled to take place outside of the Y
Member t-shirt
Access to Sponsor offers and discounts
Access to any club raffles for various items such as race entries, equipment, etc.
Private Facebook Group access
Inclusion on club "Who's In?" event calendar and ability to participate in club events.
Inclusion on club email distribution list
Option to participate in fall and winter Gator Fitness Challenges
Participation in club socials and parties
Access to Gator tri kits and other club gear available for purchase
Social Member
January 1 to December 31
$80 per individual per year
Social Members Includes:
Access to all coach-led outdoor workouts including and Zwift/Zoom cycling meetups
Access to regularly scheduled seminars and clinics being broadcast through Facebook Live video
Member t-shirt
Access to Sponsor offers and discounts
Access to any club raffles for various items such as race entries, equipment, etc.
Private Facebook Group access
Inclusion on club "Who's In?" event calendar and ability to participate in club events.
Inclusion on club email distribution list
Option to participate in fall and winter Gator Fitness Challenges
Participation in club socials and parties
Access to Gator tri kits and other club gear available for purchase
NEW! Junior Member
January 1 to December 31
$35 for YMCA members and $70 for non-members
Youth membership open to all kids 15 and under and does not require YMCA membership. Ages 7 and under will be GATOR TOTS and ages 8-15 will be JUNIOR GATORS. The membership includes the following benefits:
Access to Gator Gear and Uniforms
Membership t-shirt
Clinics including an interactive race prep clinic
Access to sponsor discounts and youth specific race entry raffles
2-4 Club Events that will be youth focused
Please note participating in regular Gators Group Workouts is NOT included in the Junior Membership
* Please contact an Officer or member of our Leadership Team with any questions: Click Here to Access Officers & Leadership Team